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Thoughts on killing February 27, 2009

Posted by infantrymen11b in Afghanistan, Christianity, Current Events, Iraq, Military, My life, Politics, Religion, Theology.

So I am just interested  in others thoughts about justified killings of other human beings.  Such as in war, self defense, police officers, and things of that nature.  Do you think that regardless of circumstance that all killing is equal?  The murder is the same as the soldier?  Or do you think it is different and it is alright?  Is it ever acceptable in your mind or is it always murder more or less? And why.

Worth While Sacrifice February 27, 2009

Posted by infantrymen11b in Afghanistan, Iraq, Military, My life, Personal, war.
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Ever since I was young I dreamed about being a combat soldier.  Granted way back then it was only because I thought it was cool.  My how that has changed.  So often I hear its unhealthy to let children play with guns and things of that nature.  Honestly that is just rubbish.  As I began to get older, my interest in the military remained. So naturally I began reading books written by soldiers.  I began to see a glimpse into the warriors of today and why they did what they did.  I always knew that they were serving their country but that was about the extent of it I understood.  As I read more and become older I realized they were fighting for something much more than just themselves.  Many I read about put everything else before themselves; their country, their families, their fellow brothers in arms, and their mission.  These men fought for something greater than themselves.  They fought for something they knew was worth defending. Something that if left undefended would surely fall.  That something is of coarse, the United States.  

Well needless to say, I joined the Army two years ago with the National Guard.  In October I will be deploying for the first time to Iraq.  Why did I do this though?  Joining the Military durning a time of war may not sound like the best idea to some.  Perhaps it is a little crazy yet it is something that must be done by someone.   We are in an age where so many people care only of themselves and only what benefits them.  I believe this is why so many can not understand why some of us choose to go and fight.  I choose this path because I love this country, I love this way of life, and I understand what must be done too ensure its protection.  I still believe there are things worth fighting for.  So many now believe that things can be solved with just talking yet this is not always the case.  I understand this.  I believe this country and what it stand for is worth fighting for.  

I am willing to make the sacrifices that come with these beliefs.  The time away from home, the pain and suffering it can bring.  Both emotionally and physically.  I am even prepared to die for this country.  I do not worry about death, for God knows my time and when it happens, it happens.  I am confident in where I will be when I die.  I am willing to take another life for this country.  Is that something I want to do?  By no means at all do I want to take the breath from another living soul.  Yet at times this is a necessity.  When it comes down too it, some people simply deserve death in this world.  Those that will this nation harm and suffering are some of those.  I refer to those that intend too do harm, not simply the ones that hate America.  

I serve because I believe in something greater than myself.  Because I care about more than just myself.  I am willing too sacrifice much for what I believe in.  Sadly this is becoming an uncommon trait in tod

ays world.  Ultimately I choose to serve because I love America and i want too see her prosper.  



**This being my first real blog, feel free to give advice as you would see fit on how to better my blogging.**

Post uno of Thoughts and Considerations February 27, 2009

Posted by infantrymen11b in Current Events, Military, My life, Politics.
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Well this will be my first blog.  So its something new and it will keep me occupied a bit hopefully.  I decided to start this for a number of reasons.  One is I have become more and more unhappy with the direction our country is heading in.  I guess I wanted a way to express that discontent.  Also come October I will be headed off to Iraq with the Army and will post experiences and thoughts while Im over there.  I’m not sure how often I will be posting but it will be on fairly regular basis.  So hopefully I will be able to have some good discussions that are respectful because I know my view points will not be tolerated by all who read them.  I guess I will just have to wait and see who reads this first.