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New Type of Genocide March 4, 2009

Posted by infantrymen11b in abortion, children, Christianity, Current Events, life, obama, Politics, pro choice, prolife, Religion, Uncategorized.

Well i just found a website for a new york abortion clinic that gives abortions up to the 24 weeks or six months.  Now I believe the term murdering bastards would be appropriate here.  All that bull crap about my body, my right, blah blah blah…wrong.  These are children and not just so mass of cells.  Thats why our country is becoming so jacked up.  People dont want to take responsibility for their actions anymore.   These doctors deserve death and their mothers probably as well.  Im not going to argue anything under one month here because then it just gets too technical and the debate about when life starts comes into play.  But clearly seen below any child one month and on is not a mass of cells.  They are living human beings.  So guess what? that makes the mothers, politicians, and abortion doctors murders.  I could care less if its legal.  Hitler said it was okay too kill the jews.  Did that make that right? no, i dont believe it did.  Millions of lives have been lost due to abortions.  Who knows who they murdered?  Perhaps the next Ronald Reagan, Albert Einstein, or Abraham Lincoln.  Guess we will never know.  I suspect with Obama things will only get worse.  More rights for women to murder their children.  Perhaps we should extend it one year olds?  I mean the child wouldnt know any better would they?  I mean maybe the mother didnt realize how hard it would be to raise a child.  It was part of her body so she should still have the right to kill the child up until he’s one.  Kinda of like a trial run.  It makes sense right? Abortion is wrong on every level no matter how you look at it.   So unless your blind, you really cant deny that a child one month old and on in the womb is not a human.  As i said, its murder, plain and simple.  Take some responsibility for your actions.  






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